Just like little girls dream of having their rooms, so does little boys. As a parent, you might find it interesting to decorate your daughter’s room. But when it comes to your son’s room, you are looking for inspiration. Boys love an exhibition of creativity and playfulness in their room. You want their rooms to be space where they can play and have some fun. Check out these creative décor tips for your little man’s room:
Highlight Textures & Patterns
Patterns and textures always add an extra layer of character to the décor of the room. Use patterns like stripes, dots, or designs. Textures like velvet, wool, stone, wood, cast iron, and much more. Keep a balance between textures, patterns, and colours. You can buy wall décor online on the Craft Beton website. They offer a luxurious designer collection of cement craft furnishings.
Accent Lighting
A bedroom should have an ample amount of natural light streaming in through the window. Choose hardy table lamps for the bedside tables. Choose creative accent lighting in fun shapes like stars or fish for your kid’s room.
Hide that Mess
Boys will have their toys, cars, and guns all over the room. Clear the clutter and hide the mess with smart storage in the room. Keep an open floor area covered with a soft rug which can be used as a play area for the boys.
Customized Wallpaper
Take their favourite cartoon hero and create a custom wallpaper for their room. It is not only affordable; you can change it as and when you wish. Instead of the whole room, you can choose only one wall of the room to have the wallpaper.
Design a kid-friendly bathroom. Custom bathroom wall tiles are the best for kid’s bathroom. Monogram bath towels are a great idea to add a little personal touch to their bathroom.
Kid-friendly Bedding
Consider buying a new duvet cover for the comforter. New bedding can create a whole new look for the bedroom. Change sheets often, as kids can make it dirty. Use linen sheets during the summers and satin sheets in the winters. A wall-mounted headboard can create a soft-place to rest your head upon. If you choose a colorful headboard, keep matching throw pillows on the bed. Kids love playing with pillows, and cushions.
These décor tips will give you some inspirations to start decorating your little boy’s room this summer.